5 Places to Install Vintage Gear Wall clock in Home
03.16.2022 | Decor Hub | Get The Unique Decoration Ideas From Our Blog

The beauty and comfort of a living space determines by the details. A vintage gear wall clock in the interior can become not only a decoration, but a bright accent in the appearance of a room. In addition to being a fashionable element of decor, watches are also useful.

They track the passage of time. Let's look at the variety of cases and models of wall clocks that can satisfy the most sophisticated consumer needs.

Clock on the wall: features

Wall clocks have become a separate art form in interior design space. Depending on the choice, they are able to emphasize the style, sophistication, character and even the occupation of the owner. The placement of such a design element directly depends on the purpose of the room.

Types and forms

It is important to arrange the clock in the interior in such a way that it complements the design orientation of the space, and their appearance and shape correspond to it.

Today, the choice of wall clocks is truly huge:

  • classic geometric shapes,
  • original abstract,
  • modern stylized,
  • thematic,
  • Antique pendulum clock.

The variety of material from which the accessory is made is also impressive:

  • metal watch,
  • from glass,
  • from natural materials - wood or stone,
  • plastic
  • even porcelain

Also, professional craftsmen will be happy to support any flight of fancy, and make watches to order.

A significant role in the choice of wall clocks play by their shape. Even in the classic design of the mechanism, there is room for choice. Round or square, Roman or Arabic dial, framed or unframed, external or hidden movement – ​​the options are endless.

The variety of vintage gear wall clock of modern original design is even greater. For example, decorative clocks can be stylized as the contours of butterfly wings, bird feathers, flowers, water drops, and sun rays. This comes with family pictures in a frame or watches with a built-in musical mechanism.

Smart gadgets have also taken their place in this decorative element. Smart watches will pleasantly surprise owners not only with modern design, originality and illumination, but also with functionality, the ability to synchronize with other products of the digital world, and even the ability to voice control them.

Vintage gear wall clock Dimensions and mounting method

In addition to the style of the accessory, the size of the piece of furniture also plays a significant role.

A wall clock can be a small accent, or it can be one of the main elements of a room's decor.

Great popularity was found by arrows and dial signs of large diameter throughout the wall in spacious spaces and halls.

It is worth noting that the choice of a place for fixing such clocks must be approached with special care, since, without a case component, they are installed in a wall base.

Large diameter wall clock

Keep in mind that stylish canvas or photo framed clocks require several modular picture paintings to be attached.

Wall clock on canvas

Double-sided clocks are often quite heavy and are equipped with a special strong bracket or suspension that is mounted on the wall by drilling.

Double sided watch

A new word in interior design - a clock, complemented by an image on the wall; their location also needs to be chosen carefully along with the development of the design of the entire space.

Clock location

The variety of models of beautiful vintage gear wall clock is so great that they will logically fit into the arrangement of absolutely any space.

Living room vintage gear wall clock

When choosing a clock for the living room, you can give preference to the most daring design solutions. It can be a modern watch of a truly huge diameter, or a watch whose dial is surrounded by a whole sculptural composition. For glamorous interiors, you can choose a wall decoration with a scattering of rhinestones or an exquisite interweaving of openwork lines.

More than 70 percent of owners of vintage gear wall clock in the living room have them above the sofa. However, if there is, for example, a fireplace in the living room, then both modern models and antique clocks with a pendulum or clocks will perfectly fit into the space above it.

Traditional baroque design representatives or modern steampunk can be an independent fashionable accent in the interior.

Kitchen vintage gear wall clock

The clock in the kitchen in the dining area complements the style of the room, created precisely by the details of this type of room. Porcelain, with juicy images of fruits or vegetables, as well as unshakable classics will emphasize the special charm and mood of the hostess.


When creating coziness in the bedroom, pay attention to the clock, which is a collage of family photographs. Also, a clock can become an exquisite decoration of the wall, representing a plaster bas-relief of elegant details, for example, in the form of birds surrounding the hands of time. In this case, any color scheme is possible, from a complete merger with the color of the wall, to sharply contrasting shades.


In the children's room, the vintage gear wall clock will serve as a cognitive guide for the child's self-organization. In addition, stores today offer an extremely wide selection of watch models for small households: with the image of their favorite cartoon characters or stylized themed rooms, for example, anchors or steering wheels for a lover of sea adventures.

Hallway vintage gear wall clock

If the dimensions of the hallway or corridor allow, it is possible to place a large clock in a conspicuous place as a central design accent. An interesting option could be a functional clock with a thermometer or, for example, original ones stylized as a housekeeper.

Thanks to modern designers in the hallway, you can organize not only a functional, but also a stylish interior.

Selection principles

Before you start choosing such a fashionable interior design detail as vintage gear wall clock, decide on the following points:

Determine what style of room you have or plan to implement.

  • Choose the look of the watch.
  • What size suits you.
  • Think about the shape of your dream watch.
  • Take care of the way they are attached and the mechanism of the watch.

If you correctly take into account all the nuances, this decor element will become not only a useful tool for determining the time, but also an exclusive decoration for your home.